Friday, November 28, 2008

Abt Hakka and Bukka Brothers

Hakka and Bukka were brothers of the Kuruba clan and were commanders in the army of the King of Warangal. Muhammad bin Tughlaq after defeating the king of Warangal took Hakka and Bukka as prisoners of war to Delhi, where they were converted to Islam by force. However, the brothers escaped from Delhi vowed to preserve the Hindu culture and heritage. Under the guidance of Brahmin sage Madhvacharya Vidyaranya founded the Vijayanagara Kingdom. The Emblem of the Kingdom was Varaha {pig} the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Kuruba descendents of the Kingdom still live in Hampi. Thus, in or about the year A.D. 1336, sprung into existence the great city which afterwards became so magnificent and of such wide-spread fame

1 comment:

Prem said...

Hakka and Bukka were related to Kumararama and were commanders in his army. They never served Kakatiya King of Warangal it is just a false and baseless claim by some Telugu Historians